Saturday, October 11, 2014

Famous Last Words Week 8

This weekend marks the end of week 8…how crazy is that? The semester is officially halfway over! This week has been a little different, both in terms of this class and life in general. In this class, week 8 was a review week. It took a little extra time to get adjusted to the different assignments this week, but I feel like the assignments themselves actually took less time, so nothing was a problem there. I liked the reflection assignments and thought it was fun to look back on how much I’ve accomplished for this class already. Also, I enjoyed writing and reading thank you posts to other students. I don’t think the online format of this class would work as well without the steady stream of comments from other students who are doing the same thing. Going back and commenting on the Famous Last Words assignments of other students made me realize I haven’t written up a Famous Last Words in a couple of weeks, so I decided to.

The fact that the semester is halfway over is both relieving and scary. For one, this means that midterm exam period is upon us and I’ve been pretty stressed out with my schoolwork lately. As I’ve said before, I’m in 6 classes this semester. I generally like my classes, but it’s a lot to stay on top of. I have a few papers due in the near future and while I’ve been chipping away at them, I’ve been struggling to sit down and accomplish big chunks at once.

All of my friends from home have been rubbing their fall breaks in my face, which is a little saddening. Most of them get two of three days off, which is something I wish we were allowed to have here. I know we unofficially get one day for OU/TX, but I don’t have class on Friday so that doesn’t help me much. Even though we don’t get a fall break, we have been getting some “fall” weather. I put fall in quotation marks because weather people consider cool or fallish here is completely different than cool/fallish weather at home. Still, I’ll take what I can get.

(An Indiana fall,


  1. Hi Melanie! I just happened to see your post go by (such a pretty picture), so I wanted to comment here and thank you for this! The "review week" was a new experiment this year and I was hesitant to make up new assignments for just the reason you mention: disrupting a routine can be so confusing and frustrating... but reading your comments, I am glad I did it because it sounds like the assignments worked as intended, giving you guys a chance to pause and look back and also to interact with each other some more too. Super! And I wish you luck with those 6 classes: eek!!! I'm sure you are on track to finish this class early, which hopefully will help with managing a crazy end-of-semester crunch in any other classes. Happy weekend!!!

  2. It is definitely crazy that the semester is halfway over (well even more now.) I can’t believe you are in six classes. That is so much! I hope your midterms went okay and you were able to relax a little bit. The weather has been so weird lately. I feel like we’ve skipped most of the nice fall weather we get and have gone to winter and back to summer and back to winter! Well, I hope you have a wonderful week!
