Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Essay Week 9: High School & College Writing Experience

I feel like I’ve had my fair share of writing experiences so far. For the most part, I enjoy writing and it’s always been something I’ve been told I have a knack for. I’ve enjoyed writing/language/English-type classes more than math and sciences since I was young. In high school, I was involved in several communications-based extracurriculars. I was on yearbook staff for two years, newspaper staff for a year and a half, and radio/television staff for two years. I wouldn’t necessarily have had to take a writing position in these extracurriculars, but that’s almost always where I found myself. I was a feature writer for yearbook and an op-ed columnist for the newspaper. I did a lot through the radio/television program and a lot of it was based around writing. I wrote scripts, I wrote on-air spots, I wrote news stories to be read on the air…and so on.

I definitely think honors and AP English classes in high school helped improve my general writing abilities, and all of my extracurriculars helped me get used to writing in different styles and about different things. Research papers are one thing I have never enjoyed writing, but aside from those, I get some degree of enjoyment out of most writing assignments. I usually like writing analyses of novels and stuff like that. I think exploring themes and characters in works of literature can be really interesting. I also like writing fiction as long as I have an idea of where I’m going. When I don’t have a clear starting point, I’m not very creative.

Sometimes the joy of writing comes from the process and what I learn during it. Other times, the joy comes from finishing and being proud of what I’ve accomplished. At OU, I’ve taken a good amount of writing-based classes, partly because my major (public relations) requires it and partially because I’m interested in them. My favorite one so far has been the Expo class I took spring of my freshman year. The class topic was counterculture and the professor was one of the most well-spoken and helpful instructors I’ve ever had. In the future, I think technical writing will be important for my job(s), but I hope to be able to do some creative writing from time to time as well!

(A fountain pen I probably couldn't write with, Wikipedia)

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