Friday, September 12, 2014

Famous Last Words Week 4

This has been a very strange week for me, and as I sit here and reflect on everything that has happened this week – both in this class and in my life in general -- I’m pretty thankful that today is Friday. I can definitely say that.

I actually had to create a website for one of my other classes this week. We’re going to be using it for client work we’re doing in Public Relations Writing. The sites we made for that class are powered by WordPress and registered as domains through OU, so the creation/customization process was a little different than the process I went through for this class. Still, I was glad I had experienced something similar in this class. Even though details were different, I felt a certain sense of familiarity and that made me feel less intimidated by the whole process.

I feel like I did a lot of my assignments early this week (and, as I mentioned before, it’s been a crazy week and a lot has happened since then), so my closing thoughts this week are kind of all over the place. I apologize for that.

I chose the Persian Fairy Tales unit this week and I enjoyed reading most of those stories a lot. It was nice to have a change of scenery, so to speak, after reading Ovid units for two weeks. I was definitely surprised by how much action and gore some of the fairy tales had. That’s not something we’re used to seeing in most familiar Western fairy tales.

I haven’t completed my storybook assignment for this week yet, but I plan to get to that later tonight. I started earlier, but I just wasn’t happy with the way things were looking. Thankfully, we have the option to choose Storybook or Portfolio, so if I continue to struggle, it’s nice to know that I won’t have to drag myself through ten more weeks of something that just isn’t shaping up the way I want it to. I think the Storybook is a lot more exciting, so I’m going to try to make that work. We’ll see.

(Cheesy TGIF graphic, Wikimedia Commons)


  1. Hi Melanie, I just happened to notice your post and wanted to comment that it is SO COOL you are part of the experiment. Very few students are taking part in that but I think it is great that more classes will be using blogging now. And listen, if you want to "map" this Blogger blog over there so it has your same domain address (but a different subdomain, like mythfolklore.whatever.whatever) then you can do that! I tried it out a couple weeks ago and you really can map a Blogger blog on to one of those OU domains. It won't change these links or your old address, but it means you will also have your domain address for your blog if you want. Here are the instructions:
    Make a Subdomain
    Map Blogger to Subdomain.
    And I tried it out; it really does work. Here are my notes: Domain Mapping.
    Anyway, thanks for sharing that you are part of the big Domains experiment, and I hope that will go well in your class. I think it is really exciting! :-)

  2. This class is pretty great. I was in the other class last year and I can tell the class helped my writing a lot. I'm glad this class has been able to help you with your other class. Even if it was to helping you not feel intimidated. The storybooks are great. You get to be as creative as you want or keep the story close to the original. I like to create a story out of a little piece of information. When its finished I'm kind of amazed by what I've created. Good luck with the rest of your semester.

  3. I see this Famous Last Words was from Week 4, so I hope your storybook or portfolio is coming together nicely. I took Laura Gibbs' other class last semester, and sometimes I could sit down and write a storybook story in no time, and other times I really had to sit down and think. Anyways, I know school can be stressful, but at least this class is some what of a relief! I hope your semester is going well!

  4. I have briefly heard about WordPress. From what I have heard it seems quite a bit trickier than Google sites is. Sometimes it is difficult for me to get started when writing a story. I will write a paragraph or two and then scrap it all because it just didn't feel right. I am not sure why I have been so picky, maybe it is because a lot of people will end up reading my stories. Anyways, I hope your storybook is going well!
