Friday, August 29, 2014

Famous Last Words Week 2

So, here we are – finished with the second week of classes! This week of assignments was a lot different than last week’s, but I definitely feel that the activities last week helped familiarize me with the expectations and format of the class. I also really like that that the weekly schedule will follow the same pattern in weeks to come. I think that will make falling into a routine a lot easier. Getting started with the Un-Textbook was fun and I’m looking forward to continuing my exploration of Ovid in Week 3.

I also enjoyed brainstorming storybook ideas. There are so many options! Whenever there are pages upon pages of stories to consider, everything seems a little daunting, but I’m sure I’ll narrow my scope week by week, slowly but surely. Hopefully, I can settle on a theme that I’ll be happy with without changing my mind too many times. I’m a pretty indecisive person, so this might be difficult for me, but I think it’ll be okay. I’ll work it out.

Again, I enjoyed reading other students’ assignments and posts this week. I liked that you switched the group comment assignments because this gave me a chance to “meet” some of the other students in the class and explore their blogs and writing styles. It’s really interesting to read the introductions people have written. I think that through these introduction, I have a lot better grasp on some of the people in this online class – their interests, their collegiate lives, etc. – than I do on most of the people in my on-campus classes!

I am so looking forward to the long weekend (4 days long for me, since I don’t have class on Fridays!) even though I probably won’t do much with myself. I know it’s the last weekend I’ll have off of work for a while, so I’m not going to let myself feel guilty about lounging around.

(Oklahoma City and the Devon Boathouse area, near where I work,

1 comment:

  1. One think I am really enjoying about your posts are the pictures that you use. I really enjoy how you use simple, real world photos. It is so refreshing to meet another indecisive person other than myself. Sometimes all of these options become overwhelming because there are just so many choices it's hard to chose the perfect one. However, I can already tell that you have been making the best choices for your writing. I hope to read more of your writings in the weeks to come.
